Fight a zombie invasion in 2180! Fend off every zombie you can until the time runs out - or you die.

Made for the U of C Game Design Club's Arcade Game Jam.


ActionKeyboardController (Xbox)
LookLeft/right arrow
Left joystick left/right
MoveUp/down arrow
Left joystick up/down
StrafeAlt + left/right arrow
B + left joy left/right


  • If you didn't already discover this, get as many combos as you can! This boosts your time left.
  • It's recommended to use your keyboard instead of a controller for greater precision.
  • It's possible to play the game without strafing, but especially on a controller it's almost crucial!
  • The game has vertical auto-aiming, just like real retro FPS games. Use that to your advantage!


PastThePixels -- Lead programming, art

Ghoostman -- Programming

BunnyChamber -- Voice acting

Note: Some of these textures may look familiar. The maps for this game were made in TrenchBroom with Q.wad (Quake) textures as a placeholder. In a future update I plan on replacing those with original textures.

Note 2: The game, at its current iteration, uses a placeholder song I made for another game. Hopefully that should change as well.


Linux amd64 79 MB
Linux arm64 (Raspberry Pi) 73 MB
Windows 64-bit 86 MB

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